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Coastal & Tifton 85


We offer custom coastal and Tifton 85 sprigging or we can sell the sprigs directly to you. All of our sprigs are irrigated and fertilized to insure a better stand for you after your grass is planted. We use our own equipment when we plant a custom job.  Your requested quote will include all expenses, including fuel and travel fee.

* The ideal time to plant sprigs is February through May.

Our sprigs are dug the night before or morning of our custom planting jobs to insure fresh and healthy sprigs. Freshly dug sprigs are much more ideal for planting than "tops" or "clippings." Growing conditions have to be much more favorable for tops to succeed.

Click HERE for information on land prep and care before and after your sprigging job.


Coastal Bermuda

Coastal Bermuda grass is more drought and grazing tolerant than most grasses. It also has a finer stem and leaf. Coastal Bermuda grass is an aggressive grower. It does well in South Texas and the Coastal Bend area.

Read more on planting procedure and land prep for Coastal Bermuda.


Tifton 85

Tifton 85 is a taller grass with a larger stem and broader leaf than other Bermuda grass hybrids. Tifton 85 also tends to have a higher yield.

Read more on Tifton 85 land prep and maintenance.

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We are here to assist. Contact us via phone, or email

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